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Be Your Beautiful Self!

Logo Development

In any competitive marketplace, it matters how you present yourself. A great logo will help identify you, differentiate you, and make you memorable.

A logo is not just a drawing and it's not just a product. It is a strategic statement, even for the smallest of businesses. Fox Marketing Group develops visual brands that work, and fixes brands that don't!

Let's talk, and then go to the drawing board for you!

Our core branding service is creating the defining visual mark that will ultimately go on everything you touch. You have to think outside the stationery set because this mark has to make a statement and look right on websites and emails, brochures and billboards, pens and apparel. Branding is much more than a logo, but a smart logo goes a long way towards projecting your brand into the marketplace in a way that is positive and competitive.

Let's talk more about yours today!

Branding and Rebranding


One Way to Get Started

A good logo design is thoughtfully created, not just drawn to "look cool." To that end, we have developed a short worksheet to help chart your thoughts and strategic considerations all in one place.

Then we use these principles as a reference while design ideas are created. That way the end result is not just good looking, it is strategically sound and likely to last you a long, long time. Click below for a copy and then scan it to us anytime to get your branding conversation started!


© 2024 by Fox Marketing Group, of course.

CLICK HERE to reserve Greg Zirkle to play in your next charity golf scramble.  (No, we're not joking.)

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