Creating Your Business Plan
Killer Marketing Plan
Branding for Smarties
Logo Development
Training, Communicating and Culture-Building
Strategic Marketing: Ask for BOB
[Another Page/Article Here]
[Statistics on business failure...] We believe a lot of these failures are not really due to cash flow or insufficient customer traffic, they are rooted in poor planning. When a business isn't started with enough cushion to get profitable or located where prime customers can find it, those are symptoms of a startup planning process that was rushed or weak.
Better preparation will increase your odds of success. Fox Marketing Group will help you get prepared. Fox Marketing Group writes business plans for startups, turnarounds and anyone seeking financing. We know what banks and lenders are looking for and we help you present a strong case for your business. In the process, we usually end up creating a new marketing plan for you too.
We can help with market research including demographic analysis and other publicly available data, plus original research like opinion surveys, awareness studies and more.
We also want to give a big shout-out to the Indiana Small Business Development Centers and the Michigan Small Business and Technology Development Centers. These are fantastic state-funded organizations that are free of charge and can open up tremendous insights and resources for you. We collaborate with several regional offices in both Indiana and Michigan and encourage you to take advantage of what your tax dollars are already paying for! CLICK HERE for the list of Indiana offices or HERE for the list of Michigan offices. (If you are reading this from outside Indiana or Michigan, your state probably has these too.)