Direct Mail Marketing
Advertising and Mass Media
Printing: Stationery, Brochures, and All That Jazz
Direct Mail
Vehicle Graphics
Large-Format Printing
Wayfinding Systems
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Direct marketing is a powerful set of strategies and tactics, and should be a part of almost every company's marketing plan. Email, e-news, social media, text marketing, mail -- these are 1:1 ways of connecting with customers and prospects that can bear outstanding, measurable results.
(Direct marketing to a mass of undifferentiated, unidentifiable "targets" is not direct marketing at all; it is just mass marketing in disguise and not cost-effective at all.)
Direct mail is far from dead. In fact, we are seeing a resurgence in direct mail and an infusion of creative new thinking in the way it is used. Let Fox Marketing Group evaluate your business and your customer segments to see if direct mail should be part of your marketing program and how to make the most of it.
If you have never kept a customer list before, it is a huge missed opportunity. Fox Marketing Group will help you create a customer list and a sensible communications program to generate referral business and repeat business -- two of the most profitable types of business there are!
Fox Marketing Group is experienced with targeting promotions to internal lists, sourced lists according to your criteria, and Every Door Direct Mail program from the U.S. Postal Service. Let's talk a little more about that one...