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Paid Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Website Development: Starting from Scratch

Website Development: Upgrading/Overhauling

Website Search Engine Optimization

Off-Site Search Engine Optimization

Integrating Web, Social and Email Marketing

Facebook for Smarties

LinkedIn for Smarties

Twitter for Smarties

Google+ for Smarties

AdWords and Other Paid Search Marketing

Landing Pages, Microsites and Other Neat Things

[Another Page/Article Here]


Blahblahblah paid search...


Incidentally, we have found that even when you stop a paid search advertising program, there seems to be a residual effect on your search rankings and click-throughs for a while.  Can't prove it and can't guarantee it, but it's good to know.


As part of a comprehensive marketing plan, Fox Marketing Group will help you decide if search engine advertising is right for you and how to make the most of it.  For a FREE SMALL BUSINESS MARKETING REVIEW, just click here!

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